UN Subcommittee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods regulates the transportation of hazardous products by the un certified bulk bags.
When it comes to storing and transporting hazardous materials, the United Nations Association or the Orange Book requires un certified packaging for dangerous goods to meet a few of their regulations. These un certified bulk bags are crafted from woven plastics, with or without coating or liners. UN Packaging is required to go through a series of rigorous testing in order to get approved.
Bulk bag for un certificate for dangerous goods that have been approved by the UN can be used with confidence, knowing that they meet the high standards set by the organization.
A Flexible Intermediate Bulk Container (FIBC) certified by the United Nations, commonly referred to as a UN-certified bulk bag, is typically necessary for the transportation or storage of hazardous materials or substances that present risks to health, safety, or the environment. This certification guarantees compliance with specific international packaging standards designed for the secure containment of dangerous goods. UN packaging codes provide details about the packaged product. That why it is important to know what a specific UN packing code refers to.
UN packaging might be required in the below cases:
1. Transporting hazardous materials
2. Storage of hazardous materials
3. Regulatory requirements
4. International shipments
5. Waste Disposal
6. Flammable Liquids or Solids
UN-approved bulk bags can be readily recognized by their distinct UN approved packaging codes and identification criteria, which are rigorously enforced. The stringent UN packaging codes primarily focus on the bag’s contents. Since UN bags are purpose-built for the transportation of hazardous materials, it is of utmost importance to ensure safety by affixing a designated hazardous materials label that accurately corresponds to the bulk sacks contents.
The UN in the circle indicates packaging has been UN tested and certified.
UN packaging codes will always begin with a number that identifies the type of package that it is. Numbers go from 1 to 7 and represent the following:
Next, the used material in the package is shown. This is indicated by a letter, like below:
There may be a number-letter-number combination indicating the typeof packaging, material of construction and a subcategory within the typeof packaging or variation.
Within this segment, you will come across UN approved packaging codes, specifically a letter X, Y, or Z, denoting the hazardous packaging group to which the item is assigned. Products are broken down into three packaging groups. Group 1 (X) indicates a high level of danger; Group 2 (Y) indicates medium risk, and Group 3 (Z) indicates a low level of danger. Next to that, for single or composite packaging intended to contain solids or combination packaging for all materials, the mark will include the maximum gross mass (kilograms) that the package can weight.
Following that, the label will denote whether the material is in a solid or liquid state. In the case of a solid, it will be represented by an “S.” If it is a liquid, its hydrostatic test pressure will be specified numerically.
The final components in the code represent the concluding two digits of the manufacturing year and the country of origin. To illustrate, a package produced in the United Kingdom in the year 2023, as shown in our previous example, will display as “23/UK.”
The concluding characters in the marking comprise the manufacturer’s certifying code, consisting of a letter and numbers.
The UN packing code and certification ensures that the bag has undergone testing and meets the necessary safety criteria for containing and handling hazardous substances during transportation. We have our own testing facilities where we design and test your Big Bags (FIBCs) to meet all the requirements established by the United Nations (UN). With FPS packaging you can make sure your bags are adhering to the highest quality standards!